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   Funded by State (Act 143) Family Literacy grant comes through the PA Department of Education.

New World Association serves 20 families on a yearly basis.


To be eligible to participate in the program, adults have :


      •  to be at least 17 years old;

      •  be a resident of Pennsylvania;

      •  not to be a student of any public, private or post-secondary school;

      •  not to be a foreign student with F-1 Visa;

      •  committed to participate in all components of the Family Literacy program


      Family Literacy Components include:


  Adult Education/English as a Second Language classes that are designed to help parents increase their

own literacy, numeracy and English language skills to be able to communicate in the real-time situations

(including communication with their children school teachers and pediatricians) and achieve their personal

and professional goals. The 2.5-hour classes are offered two times a week.





Parenting classes: parents learn about their children’s development and learning behaviors, become aware

of the ways to promote their children’s language and literacy development and practice with their peers

to develop better understanding of concepts. Parenting classes are scheduled once a week for 2 hours.





Interactive Literacy Activities (ILA): parents implement and practice knowledge and skills they

acquire in parenting classes and receive support and feedback from teachers from teachers

and peers. ILA sessions are held twice a week.


Early Childhood Education  includes preschool and school-based classes for children from birth

to 3rd grade. The NWA Family Literacy Program collaborates with “Bambi” Da Care Center,

“Red Lion” Elementary School, “Anne Frank” Elementary School, and “William Loesche”

Elementary School which conduct early childhood education five days a week.




Payments and Support

For details

Please call :

(215) - 856 - 7316

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