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    NWA has been providing services for refugees and asylees for more than 26 years.

                                         We served refugees from 15 countries.

            More than 5000 refugees were provided with the following services:


      •    Information and updates on edibility for services and availability of the supportive  

           Programs in the area

      •    LIHEAP Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). It is a seasonal program that  

           helps low income households pay for heating bills through energy assistance

      •    CAP (PECO’s Energy Company Customer Assistance program) that provides a monthly

           credit for eligible low-income customers; the credit is based on the customer’s total  

           household gross income and energy usage

      •    CRP (Customer Responsibility Program from Philadelphia Gas Works) for low income

           customers to save at least 50% on their bills

      •    WIC (Women, Infant and Children Program) application; it is a health and nutrition

           program that offers participants food vouchers (fruit, vegetables, eggs, bread, milk and


      •   CCIS (Child Care Subsidy) application to help eligible families of children 0-13 pay part of

           their childcare costs and/or application for child day care services, afterschool programs

           and activities, and summer camps

      •   Referrals and assistance with banking application (e.g. Member-2-Member program with

           USFCU in order to obtain $25.00 matching funds from the bank)

      •   Renewal the applications for Medical Assistance and SNAP

      •   Immigration-related applications such as AR-11 (Change of Address) I-9 (Employment

           Eligibility Verification), I-485 (Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust

           Status) and assistance with preparing supportive documents for each application.


   We also have a special program for young refugees aged 14-24.




Payments and Support

For details

Please call :

(215) - 856 - 7316

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